Requesting a Limited Use (LU) Code - Ontario

This topic is applicable to ON pharmacies only.

If a prescription for a medication that requires a LU code does not have the reason for use, the prescriber must be contacted.

To request an LU code:

  1. In Rx Detail, select the Extended tab.

  2. In the Prescription section, select the expander icon next to the MR Code field.

    The Medical Reason For Use Codes window appears.

  3. Select one of the following:

    • Print - prints the applicable LU codes. Send this information to the prescriber.

    • Fax - faxes the applicable LU codes to the prescriber automatically.

  4. Select OK. The Medical Reason For Use Codes window closes.

  5. Select the RX tab.

  6. In the SIG field, add Waiting for LU. This indicates that the doctor has been contacted.

  7. Select Park. The prescription remains in the Park tile until an LU code has been received and the prescription can be processed.

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Entering an Limited Use (LU) Code - Ontario